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Monday, September 08, 2014
By Sandip Jadhav
As a computational geometry developer I have worked on several meshing software development projects. Every time mesh quality has become focal point. As matter of fact this becomes conflicting topic between the various teams due to the difference of opinion in engineering community.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
By Vijay Mali
A turbine is a rotary mechanical device that extracts energy from a fluid flow and converts it into useful work. A turbine is a turbo machine with at least one moving part called a rotor assembly, which has a shaft or drum with blades attached. Moving fluid acts on the blades so that they move and impart rotational energy to the rotor.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
By Vijay Mali
Human comfort has been a major concern in densely populated cities. The climate changes due urban heat island and global warming affects the human comfort. The airflow within the urban canopy layer drives the moisture, heat and other types of variables in the urban streets.
Friday, June 07, 2013
By Vijay Mali
During the recent years, electric power systems have changed their structure in order to achieve better performance and efficiency in the electricity production, transmission and distribution. An important aspect of power generation systems operating in the environment of the competitive electric energy market is the increased use of renewable energy sources.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
By Vijay Mali
CCTech delivered 20th project on control valve CFD simulation. This objective of project was to calculate valve coefficient (Kv) value for various opening position. The control valve was of globe type with seat-plug arraignment and windowed cage. CFD simulation is done starting from 10 % opening to 100 % opening.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
By Vijay Mali
Responding to ever growing needs from customer, CCTech has added world's leading turbo-machinery analysis tool ANSYS CFX in its portfolio. Till December 2010, CCTech offered various CFD solution services based on ANSYS FLUENT - A general purpose fluid dynamics program.