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We strive to transform the human life by the democratization of technology. Bringing it to the common people where its most needed. Join our journey to make this dream true.
Our DNA is defined by the core values we believe in, the principles we follow in our everyday life at work.
Inspiration | Comradeship | Ethical | Moral | Creativity & Fun
The technology has made our life easy. Let it be using it in the designing of a product, exploring the new ideas or even while doing day-to-day activities, everyone enjoys the benefits of using correct technology. Many time the technology is available, but cannot be used by common people due to its complexity, accessibility and cost. Wouldn't it be nice to make that technology available to everyone in the need? Wouldn't it be nice to make the technology available in much simpler and affordable manner?
At CCTech, we work for making complex technology available to the common designers, to the common people. We develop "useful and usable" software, the software which helps designers to develop better and efficient products, the software which helps them to imagine and innovate. If you also believe in "Transforming human life by the democratization of technology", we are the right fit for you. Here are the few reasons why you'll want to work at CCTech.
Here are the few reasons why you'll want to work at CCTech
CCTech Career - Why Us
Our product
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) helps engineering companies and designers to understand the product performance, design better and efficient products. But Only 1 out of 100 CAD designer uses CFD in their design workflow due to its complexity, accessibility, and cost. Our product simulationHub is an affordable, accessible, efficient and appified cloud-based simulation product built for designers.
CCTech Career - Explore Technology
The technology
Every day we come across the questions which are never been answered and sometimes the questions which are not even asked. To achieve the goal of "democratization of technology", we had to push the boundaries of what's available. Our R&D team works on latest technologies in cloud computing, computational geometry, machine learning, artificial intelligence.
CCTech Career - Work Diversity
Work diversity
We believe that "life is a path function, not a point function" and so does the knowledge and expertise. We have an open culture where your job titles don't matter. We do not define boundaries between departments, between teams and between employees and management. We encourage everyone to explore new technologies, new roles, new opportunities and contribute to the common goal.
CCTech Career - Corporate Life and Fun
Life & fun
We're party people. We're sports friendly. We're focused on creating best experience for you at the company. We enjoy each moment, as small as a successful complication of code or as big as getting a product subscription. We look for an opportunity to celebrate. There are planned fun activities in the company like fun days, one-day outing, and annual trip. If nothing is happening, you may find us getting together for a beer bash party.
CCTech Career - Collaborative learning
Collaborative learning
We learn more when we learn together. We rarely grow alone. We gain more insights, become more knowledgeable and develop better skills together. At CCTech, we have understood this well. We have implemented it in our daily work culture. We believe in collaborative learning. Let it be about passing the knowledge from experts to newbies or diving into more complex research topic, we learn and grow as a group.
CCTech Career - Higher studies
Higher studies
Education is key to gain more knowledge, become more insightful and develop better skills. We believe that education has a power to change the world and make it better. At CCTech, we encourage & support higher education. Let it be doing short-term courses or even a post-graduation, you will find us supporting you. We help in doing workload balance during preparation, selecting courses and selecting universities.
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