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July 2007
Engineering Design.in
Boolean operations for faceted solids
Ashish Shete, Sandip N. Jadhav
Industrial CAD designer at various stages of product design come across faceted definition of solids due to CAD import from STL, DXF and VRML files. Most of the times the data provided by the clients or third party is sufficient for the referencing purposes. This data cannot be edited or processed to perform further geometric operations essential for downward application. This is main hindering block in main stream CAD modeling software. We are addressing this problem through faceted Boolean operations for such specific cases.
In this paper we present an algorithm to perform interactive Boolean operations on free-from faceted solids. We are developing fast surface-surface intersection algorithm for triangulated surfaces. In next stage different combinations of possible resultant solids produce from intersection operations would be displayed to user for desire Boolean selection. This enables us to add, subtract and intersect complex solids at interactive rates.
The result of an boolean operation is a set of triangles that determines the boundary of the intersection between two meshes. These triangles could be not one of the original ones. To calculate this new ones, this module search pairs of triangles that intersect and lie on the boundary. The intersection determines how to subdivide these two triangles to obtains the needed ones.
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