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CAD Development & Customization thrives to meet the ends of tailoring the software to meet the specific needs of a user or organization. This involves creating custom interfaces, tools, or workflows, or integrating the software with other tools or systems. Customization is done on a specific requirement basis through developers who specialize in creating customizations for specific industries or use cases.
Our Offerings
Generative Design (Design Exploration)

Generative designs help vastly in the Architectural industry, designers or engineers input specific design criteria, such as materials, dimensions, and manufacturing methods, into software programs that use algorithms to generate numerous potential design solutions. The software evaluates each design based on its fitness for purpose, and the output can be a single optimized design or a set of designs that meet the design goals.

Interoperability (Connectors)

Through Interoperability we help you to achieve desired results through the use of open standards and protocols that define the way information is exchanged between different systems. These standards provide a common language that allows different systems to communicate with each other, even if they were developed by different vendors.


Configurators are used for software tools that enable users to customize a product or service according to their preferences and requirements. Configurators are used in a variety of industries, especially in Infrastructure & Manufacturing. The use of configurators is expected to continue to grow in the coming years, with advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning enabling more complex and sophisticated configuration options. Additionally, the use of virtual reality and augmented reality technologies is likely to transform the configurator experience, allowing users to visualize and interact with their customized products in new and innovative ways.

Model Checkers

Model checking is a formal verification technique that involves analyzing a model of a system to determine if it meets a specific set of requirements. Model checkers offer several benefits over traditional testing and verification methods. They can detect complex errors and corner cases that may be difficult to find through testing, and they provide a formal proof of correctness that can be used to gain confidence in the system's behavior. Additionally, model checkers can help developers identify design flaws early in the development process, which can save time and money.

Digital Twin

A digital twin is a digital replica of a physical system or product that simulates its behavior and characteristics in real-time. It is a virtual model that contains all the data and information about a physical asset, such as its design, construction, and operation. Digital twins are used to simulate and optimize the performance of manufacturing processes and equipment, to identify and mitigate potential problems before they occur.


Simulation is the process of constructing a virtual representation or model of a real-world system, process, or phenomenon. This is achieved via computer software or other technologies to imitate the behavior of the system being modeled. This is very useful in fields like engineering, science, medicine, social sciences, and business, among others. They can be used to test the behavior of a system under different conditions, to predict the outcomes of various scenarios, or to optimize the performance of a system. One of the key benefits of simulations is that they allow researchers or engineers to experiment with a system or process without having to build a physical prototype or test it in the real world.

CAM Software Development (Subtractive Manufacturing)

Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software development involves creating software applications that are used to automate and control manufacturing processes. It has a usecase to control a wide range of manufacturing processes, including machining, welding, and assembly. The development of CAM software involves a range of skills, including software engineering, manufacturing process knowledge, and mathematics. CAM software typically consists of two main components: a user interface that allows the user to input design specifications and manufacturing parameters, and a processing engine that generates machine code and instructions that control the manufacturing process.

3D Printing (Additive Manufacturing)

Process of creating three-dimensional objects by building up layers of material is Additive Manufacturing. 3D printing has become increasingly popular in recent years due to the availability of affordable 3D printers and the wide range of materials that can be used. The process involves, Designing the object, Preparing the design for printing, Printing the object, Post-processing the object.


Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) allow users to interact with computer-generated environments and objects in a highly immersive way. AR technology overlaps computer-generated content onto the user's real-world environment, often through a smartphone camera or specialized headset. This can take the form of graphics, text, or other visual elements that are integrated with the user's surroundings, allowing them to see and interact with virtual objects in real time. VR technology, on the other hand, involves creating a completely virtual environment that the user can interact with using a headset or other specialized equipment. In a VR environment, the user is completely immersed in a computer-generated world, which can include highly detailed 3D graphics, interactive elements, and other sensory experiences like sound and touch.

Hardware Acceleration

Hardware acceleration refers to the use of specialized hardware components to speed up certain computational tasks that would be slower if performed using general-purpose computing resources, such as the CPU. Many modern computing systems incorporate specialized hardware components, such as graphics processing units (GPUs), digital signal processors (DSPs), or field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), to offload certain computational tasks from the CPU and improve overall performance. Hardware acceleration can be used for a wide range of applications, including image and video processing, scientific simulations, machine learning, and cryptography.

Scientific Computing

Scientific computing is a broad field that involves using advanced computing techniques to solve complex scientific problems. It involves the use of computational methods and algorithms to simulate, model, analyze, and visualize scientific data and phenomena. Typically, it involves the use of high-performance computing systems, such as clusters, supercomputers, and cloud computing resources, to perform large-scale simulations and analyses.

Digital Application Development

Digital application development, also known as software development, is the process of creating digital applications or software products that run on various platforms, such as desktop computers, mobile devices, and the web. This involves the use of programming languages, development frameworks, and other software development tools to design, code, test, and deploy applications. The application development process typically involves several stages, including requirements gathering, design and architecture, coding, testing, and deployment.

Design Automation (Workflow Automation)

Design automation, also known as workflow automation, is the process of automating the design and engineering workflows to reduce errors, save time, and increase efficiency. This involves the use of software tools and programming languages to automate repetitive and time-consuming design and engineering tasks, such as CAD modeling, simulation, and analysis. The key benefit of design automation is that it enables designers and engineers to create and modify designs more quickly and efficiently while reducing the risk of errors and inconsistencies.

System Integration

System integration is the process of combining separate subsystems or components into a single, cohesive system that is able to perform a specific function. This can involve the integration of hardware, software, and network systems. System integration typically involves a number of stages, including planning, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance.

Software Development

Software development is the process of creating software, from concept and planning to design, coding, testing, and maintenance. It involves a range of activities, including analysis of user needs and requirements, design of software architecture, coding and testing, and deployment and ongoing maintenance of software applications.

Engineering Digital Stores

Engineering digital stores refers to the process of designing and implementing digital storefronts that enable businesses to sell products or services online. This involves creating a user-friendly interface for customers to browse products, make purchases, and track their orders, as well as creating a back-end system for managing inventory, processing payments, and fulfilling orders.