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We help organizations to build an unique engineering solutions for their customers
Our consulting solutions help accelerate your journey to a digital enterprise. With diverse expertise in Engineering, Computational Geometry, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Computer Science, HPC, Cloud and UX design, CCTech has both the resources and expertise to react quickly to client needs, a key asset in a digital era when deployment needs to be measured in weeks rather than months.
Our approach
A Dynamic, Iterative and Adaptive Process
We work with the world's leading organizations to provide collaborative solutions to their business and IT challenges with innovative ideas. It's the guiding structure that allows us to ensure consistent quality, seamless execution, and collaborative relationships between our people and our customers. We believe the success of every project is founded on the professional ability, responsiveness, and dedication of the project team.
Great work is always a result of great collaboration. Our collaborative approach makes our customers a part of the development process. We rely on customer's expertise and feedback throughout the process to understand their business needs and challenges. It's all powered by a partnership between us and our customers.
An adaptive approach
Every project presents its own goals, audience, and opportunities. Sometimes the new solutions and opportunities are visible when we start working on the project. Our approach to great projects begins with a time-tested process that discovers and addresses the unexpected. Regular team and client check-ins keep things rolling.
Research driven design
Sometimes the problem is trivial but the solution is not. Sometimes the solution is trivial but the problem sounds to be too complicated. We do a rigorous research to find all possible solutions for given problem. We never do an assumption and always validate our solution and approach to make sure we are on right path.
Beyond the wall
Every project is unique. Every project posses different challenges altogether. But every project is an opportunity to solve a problem. We always think what's beyond the wall for providing out of the box solution or exploring altogether a new solution space.
Technology empowered solution
We are technology explorers. We exactly know what is past, what's happening now and what's coming next. This helps us to suggest and provide the solution which has a built-in adaptability for future needs and which are driven by latest technology.
Agile development
Our Technical Delivery team has deep expertise in Agile development methodology, delivering working software quickly and iteratively. We follow the scrum development methodology with each sprint delivering a visible and usable feature for our customers.
Core expertise
We understand 3D
We have grown up with AI. All our applications and technologies are deeply connected to the 3D domain. We are building the 3D application from predicting missiles trajectories to designing a kitchen for the homeowner. Be it CAD Kernels, Graphics Toolkits, 3D Printing or 3D Augmented Reality, we do it all !!
One of the most important aspects of the product is its conceptualization. We have conceptualized over 100 applications for our customer to bring their ideas to reality.
Software architecture
We have designed desktop and cloud-based architectures. We have experience in refactoring large code bases and also architecturing applications from scratch. Principles like SOLID, DRY, YAGNI have got embedded in our thought process.
Bring disparate systems and we connect them for synchronized orchestration. We have experience in various desktop and cloud systems, various open source and closed source libraries and frameworks.
Beyond language
We focus on the domain rather than language expertise. We are not bound to any language instead every language has its pros and cons and have their place in the vast system of architecture.
Domain & industry expert
We have a team of experts from various fields. If your domain is not listed and your problem is interesting, then please connect with us as we enjoy exploring new fields and go leaps and bounds in understanding the industry.
Enterprise web application
We provide robust and scalable solutions to the world's leading organizations. We help in bringing ideas to reality from sketch to a product. With our deep expertise in technology, we would help you to build right solutions from right tools, frameworks and architecture. Whether prototyping or building your product, we provide quick turnaround using latest of the stable web technologies.
CCTech enables organizations to create engaging digital experiences for their customers and hence providing new opportunities for growth. Technology expertise at a glance but not limited to :
Server Side : Node.js , Meteor, Java
Client Side : Polymer , React, Redux, Predix-ui
Database : SQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
Platform : Amazon, Predix, Heroku
Questions? We'll put you on the right path.
Ask about our products, services, or anything else. Let's discuss how we can help you solve your problem.